Planet Puppet

Your source of Puppet technical information

Thursday, 20. March 2025

A whirlwind conversation on trademarks

12 days ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Quite a few people over the last few months have helpfully pointed out the name collisions in the OpenVox Puppet fork. If you didn’t recognize it, there’s also a VoIP/PBX provider called OpenVox. Surely that’s got to be a violation of some kind of law, right? Even Google gets it very wrong! See how our information is interleaved in this autogenerated profile?

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Friday, 28. February 2025

Paying their fair share

1 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

The other day someone shared a Puppet Community Slack post in which a very senior Perforce sales engineer stated plainly that the reason for their sequestered source shenanigans is that they’re “asking open source users to pay their fair share.” Now, I don’t want to sound like I’m poking fun at this particular corporate flunky, he’s only repeating what he’s clearly been told over and over again, bu

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Monday, 17. February 2025

CfgMgmtCamp wrapup

1 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Well, we’re back from Belgium after another successful week of conferences. First we attended FOSDEM in Brussels, then we hustled down to Ghent for the CfgMgmtCamp speaker’s dinner. This year is special to me because it’s the first year that I’ve not gone to represent someone else. It was also special because the atmosphere was so positive. There were a ton of great talks, more sponsorship dollars,

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Tuesday, 28. January 2025

Das neue Puppet Open Source Projekt heißt "OpenVox"

2 months ago | Source: betadots

Puppet by Perforce hat angekündigt,
dass die Open Source Pakete ab 2025 nur noch nach Zustimmung einer nicht weiter definierten EULA verfügbar gemacht werden sollen.

In early 2025, Puppet will begin to ship any new binaries and packages developed by our team to a private, hardened, and controlled location. Community contributors will have free access to this private repo under

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Tuesday, 21. January 2025

First release, hot off the presses!

2 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

It’s been quite a journey, y’all. But we’re excited to announce the first release of OpenVox, the community-maintained open source implementation of Puppet. OpenVox 8.11 is functionally equivalent to Puppet and should be a drop-in replacement. Be aware, of course, that even though you can type the same commands, use all the same modules and extensions, and configure the same settings, OpenVox is no

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Monday, 20. January 2025

The Ruby side of Puppet - Part 3 - Custom Types and Providers

2 months ago | Source: betadots

This is the final post in a three-part serie, covering the concepts and best practices for extending Puppet using custom facts, custom functions and custom types and providers.

Part 1 explores how to create custom facts, which allow nodes to send information to the Puppet Server.

Part 2 discusses building custom functions to process data or execute specific tasks.

Part 3

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Die Ruby-Seite von Puppet - Teil 3 - Benutzerdefinierte Typen und Provider

2 months ago | Source: betadots

Dies ist der letzte Beitrag in einer dreiteiligen Serie, die die Konzepte und Best Practices für die Erweiterung von Puppet mithilfe von benutzerdefinierten Fakten, benutzerdefinierten Funktionen und benutzerdefinierten Typen sowie Providern behandelt.

Teil 1 untersucht, wie man benutzerdefinierte Fakten erstellt, die es Knoten ermöglichen, Informationen an den Puppet-Server zu senden.[ Read More ]

Tuesday, 14. January 2025

The Ruby side of Puppet - Part 2 - Custom Functions

3 months ago | Source: betadots

This is the second post in a series of three, covering the concepts and best practices for extending Puppet using custom facts, custom functions and custom types and providers.

Part 1 covers Custom Facts, which explain how a node can provide information to the Puppet Server.

Part 2 (this post) focuses on Custom Functions, demonstrating how to develop functions for data processing

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Die Ruby-Seite von Puppet - Teil 2 - Benutzerdefinierte Funktionen

3 months ago | Source: betadots

Dies ist der zweite Beitrag einer dreiteiligen Serie, in der die Konzepte und Best Practices zum Erweitern von Puppet mithilfe von benutzerdefinierten Facts, benutzerdefinierten Funktionen und benutzerdefinierten Typen und Providern behandelt werden.

Teil 1 behandelt Benutzerdefinierte Facts, die erklären, wie ein Knoten Informationen an den Puppet-Server übermitteln kann.

Teil 2

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Wednesday, 08. January 2025

The strength of community

3 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Everything’s been super hectic with the holidays and so nobody noticed that I didn’t post the last two weeks, right? I joke, but not really. We’ve been super busy too and not just with the regular holiday stuff. In between the celebrations and glühwein, we’ve been working on community building.

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Wednesday, 01. January 2025

Die Ruby-Seite von Puppet - Teil 1 - Benutzerdefinierte Fakten

3 months ago | Source: betadots

Dies ist der erste von drei Beiträgen, die die Konzepte und Best Practices zur Erweiterung von Puppet mit Hilfe von benutzerdefinierten Fakten, benutzerdefinierten Funktionen, benutzerdefinierten Typen und Providern behandeln.

Teil 1 (dieser Beitrag) erklärt benutzerdefinierte Fakten und wie ein Puppet Agent dem Puppet-Server Informationen bereitstellen kann.

Teil 2 konzentriert

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The Ruby side of Puppet - Part 1 - Custom Facts

3 months ago | Source: betadots

This is the first in a series of three posts covering the concepts and best practices for extending Puppet using custom facts, custom functions and custom types and providers.

Part 1 (this post) explains custom facts and how a node can provide information to the Puppet Server.

Part 2 focuses on custom functions, detailing how to develop data processing or execution functions.

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Thursday, 19. December 2024

Letting go of control

3 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Events of the last week have me thinking about something that’s true in a lot of contexts. A lot of people like to have control of a relationship; control of a situation; control of the message; or in this case, control of a community. I get it, realizing that you don’t have control can be unsettling. But in reality, not having control is the natural order of things and you’ll have a much better ti

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Thursday, 05. December 2024

Contributions of ‘Ghost Engineers’

4 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Last week was Thanksgiving for the USA and while I don’t personally celebrate the holiday or the violent colonization it represents, it does encourage me to reflect back on some of the things I’m most thankful for. Once again, you won’t be surprised to hear that it’s people. Coworkers, friends, community members, industry professionals that I learn from and am inspired by every day. People that I’m

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Saturday, 23. November 2024

Future proofing open source

4 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

We had a slight disagreement with our attorney while drafting our articles of incorporation and related documents. He’d used some very aggressive language around the ownership of intellectual property and whatnot. It was pretty standard lingo but it just rubbed us both the wrong way and we asked him to tone it down significantly. This prompted a long discussion about our open source business model.

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Wednesday, 13. November 2024

Alpha community package availability

5 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Well, I’ve got some great news for you. Thanks to hard work by a few volunteers, we have alpha community-built packages up and the starts of a download mirror list, which you can find on the new “downloads” page. But let’s talk a bit before you go racing off to install and make sure you know what you’re dipping into.

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Friday, 08. November 2024

It was only a matter of time

5 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Well, it looks like they did it. Perforce has all but closed the Puppet source. To be fair, they didn’t actually change the license itself, but they’ve gone as far as they could and still remain compliant. They’re forking projects internally where all their development will happen and pinkie-swear promise that ….. eventually ….. that work will make it to the public repositories.

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Thursday, 31. October 2024

A Flock of Flutter devs

5 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Flutter is a neat little UI toolkit allowing you to build applications targeting most major platforms. It started out mobile only, iOS and Android. Today it supports web and desktop too. I poked at it back in the day when I was considering some fun mobile app dev side projects. It made a pretty big splash initially, with a lot of community interest. Was it to be the fabled universal toolkit?

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Monday, 21. October 2024

Community stewardship matters

5 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

Some years ago I got caught up in a very annoying conflict with James over r/puppet. I don’t remember if he’d created the space or not, but he’d been the sole moderator for years. He’d been doing an excellent job, but recently he’d been drifting away from the Puppet community and spending more of his time on his mgmt project. (Which is totally cool and you should check it out sometime.)

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Wednesday, 16. October 2024

Everything is on fire….

6 months ago | Source: Overlook InfraTech

I’ve been pretty quiet since leaving Puppet in July. And circumstances this week aren’t exactly how I wanted to pop my head up again and tell you what I was up to. I’ve done some private consulting with a few of y’all over the years, and had planned to expand on that. Check out the Services page for more information if you’re interested. But that’s not what I want to talk about today.

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Sunday, 08. September 2024

Game Day Every Day: How AWS Prepares for the Unexpected

7 months ago | Source: Laurent Domb Blog

I had the pleasure to speak to John Gaffney from about resiliences on AWS, and how we help our customers to build a resilience posture that maps business requirements. Full interview here:

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Wednesday, 31. July 2024

Lab Infra Rebuild Part 6

8 months ago | Source: R.I.Pienaar -

This is the final in a series of posts about rebuilding my lab infrastructure, see the initial post here.

Today we’ll wrap things up with a look at some SaaS tools I use and a general look through some small utilities and things I use to bring it all together.

I’ve been enjoying my summer for the last 3 months hence the hiatus of posts.


Long ago I used to r

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Wednesday, 08. May 2024

Puppet best practice

11 months ago | Source: betadots

At betadots, during our Puppet code reviews, we often receive requests for a comprehensive summary of best practices and guidelines.
In response, we've compiled this article to delve deep into Puppet's best practices and implementations.

Table of content

  • Control Repo
    • Test your control-repo!
  • Hiera
  • Node Classification
  • [ Read More ]

Thursday, 25. April 2024

Lab Infra Rebuild Part 5

11 months ago | Source: R.I.Pienaar -

This is an ongoing post about rebuilding my lab infrastructure, see the initial post here.

Today let’s look at VMs and Baremetals and Operating Systems.

Virtual Machines

As I mentioned I’ve been a Linode customer since essentially their day one and have had many 100s of machines there for personal and client needs.

I soured off them quite significantly after they

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